Task 7:To produce a radio drama using one of the scripts produced in the previous task.
This website may be useful for sound FX:
Sound FX
Task 8:Evaluate your Product, answering the following questions in your evaluation:
Purpose :
What was your original aim?
Did you actually achieve your purpose? Your own opinion.
Now ….you must gather audience feedback by playing your package to a group of people from your target audience. You should then write under the following headings :
What did they say? Did they enjoy it? Did they take your preferred reading…. Or an oppositional reading? Use words like “primary target audience….. uses & gratifications theory”
Representation issues.
Did you give positive messages… or negative …. were you biased?
Did your package only include boys/girls or both?
Were different ethnic groups included in your plans? If not, why not?
How did your music track add to the mood of the piece?
Were the locations appropriate to the package? Why? Why not?
Was the language appropriate for your target audience?
Was it realistic when compared to a similar professional product?
Technical issues
What were the levels like? Voice? Music? Background?
Did you cut off anyone’s voice when you edited the piece? If you did, how could you solve this next time?
Was the microphone work o.k.? Why? Why not?
Was there enough variety to keep your audience interested?
Was your editing o.k.? Have you used single track editing or multi-track editing?
Have you used sound effects? Why? Why not?
Have you used any actuality in your piece? What was it?
What do you think was typical of this genre? Make a list.
What would be the same in a similar professional product?
Do they have any advantages over you?
Features of good narrative include........ enigma.... , equilibrium, disruption, resolution, hero, villain.... did you use any of them?
Would you regard your story as single strand or multi-strand?
Own performance... self evaluation
Did you learn any new skills?
How do you think you did? ..... strengths?.. weaknesses?
Were you a good team member? Why? Why not?
Did you argue or were you prepared to listen to the opinion of others?
Future targets
What would you improve on next time?
Produce a brainstorm of some ideas for
1. PROMOTING your audio product?
Which ‘laws/controls’ might you need to consider? Copyright? How can you get permission to use music?
Look at MCPS (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society) for prices.
Look at Ofcom’s programme codes/news codes/advertising codes, depending on your chosen genre. Have you followed the guidelines? If you have and you have no worries…. Ask yourself WHAT IF I’D DONE………..? This gives you a chance to look at the codes more thoroughly.
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